ChiVAA is a 501(C)3 non-profit tax exempt umbrella organization that links individual artists and art groups, organizations or businesses, enabling them to have a united voice and presence in Chico.
ChiVAA is member-driven and people-powered. We are an all volunteer working board.
1. Download the membership form as a PDF HERE, or as a Word Doc HERE.
2. Choose your category.
3. Pay with PayPal below and email your form to
(payable by any major credit/debit card – no need to have a Paypal account for Buy Now Buttons – with the Safari browser – use a private window if the Buy Now Button do not display correctly).
Or send your check with the form to ChiVAA, P. O. Box 1967, Chico, CA 95927.
Membership is from July 1 to June 30.