ChiVAA, the Chico Visual Arts Alliance, is proud to announce that our 2024 Chico ART Festival will be held on Mother’s Day Weekend, Friday and Saturday, May 10th and 11th, 2024, outdoors on the beautiful grounds of St John’s Episcopal Church on Floral Avenue in Chico. This will be our 11th annual art festival.
Our two-day, one-stop Art Expo has four goals: to showcase our local artists, to promote Chico as an arts destination center, to educate the public about the variety and value of art in our community, and to throw a really great Chico-style party.
What’s new for this year’s application process: The booth fees are tiered, with the lowest priced tier ending February 29. The payment of the booth fee is now required in full, simplifying the process for everyone. Lastly, in 2022, the weather was a bit chilly, in 2023 a bit hot, this year, we are looking for the weather to be “just right” in the Goldilocks zone.
Interested in exhibiting with us? Our application process is officially open. For more info and to apply, go on the Artist Portal HERE !